Discord-MC-Chat has been updated to 2.4.0 - 2025/1/4!
Discord-MC-Chat 已经更新到 2.4.0 - 2025/1/4 啦!

This article was updated on January 8, 2025. The content is updated for the latest release version. ヾ(≧▽≦*)o
本文更新于 2025 年 1 月 8 日,文章的内容针对最新发行版本更新ヾ(≧▽≦*)o


Discord-MC-Chat (DMCC), formerly known as MC-Discord-Chat and MCDiscordChat (MCDC), is a practical and powerful Fabric and Quilt Minecraft <> Discord chat bridge inspired by BRForgers/DisFabric

DMCC Discord 服务器现已公开!通过以下链接加入:https://discord.gg/kbXkV6k2XU


Discord-MC-Chat (DMCC),前身为 MC-Discord-Chat 和 MCDiscordChat (MCDC),一个实用且功能强大的 Fabric 和 Quilt Minecraft <> Discord 跨服聊天工具,灵感来自 BRForgers/DisFabric。





你可以在 GitHub Actions 找到最新的构建 JAR 文件。


如果有 bug 或建议,或者有什么不懂的,可以 提交 issue

DMCC Discord 服务器现已公开!通过以下链接加入:https://discord.gg/kbXkV6k2XU


欢迎你为 DMCC 做出贡献!

如果你有兴趣为 DMCC 做出贡献,你可以在 GitHub 上提交拉取请求。

对于代码贡献,构建文件位于 /build/ 文件夹中。

对于翻译贡献,语言文件位于 /wrapper/src/main/resources/lang/ 文件夹中。复制 en_us.json 并将新的文件重命名为你的语言代码以开始翻译。请为整个文件中所有键提供翻译。


  • 全面的多语言支持
  • 支持多服务器模式(在同一个 Discord 服务器中运行多个装有 DMCC 的 Minecraft 服务器)
  • Minecraft <> Discord 跨服聊天
    • 支持禁用 Discord 和游戏内聊天广播
    • 支持使用 Discord 频道主题功能显示服务器状态
    • 支持使用机器人 Discord 在线状态中显示服务器状态
    • 支持使用机器人 Discord 活动状态显示服务器玩家数
    • 支持 Discord Webhook 功能
      • 动态创建 DMCC Webhook
      • 可自定义 Webhook 玩家头像 API,兼容用于实时皮肤更换的模组和插件
      • 可禁用 Webhook,使用机器人自身发送聊天消息
    • 支持游戏内 Markdown 解析
    • 支持游戏内高亮和使用默认 Unicode 和服务器自定义表情符号
    • 支持游戏内高亮贴纸
    • 支持游戏内高亮和提及 (@)
      • 可自定义允许游戏内提及 (@) 的范围
      • 支持禁用游戏内提及 (@)
    • 支持游戏内高亮和打开超链接和 GIF
    • 支持禁用所有解析
    • 支持游戏内显示 Discord 用户身份组颜色
    • 支持游戏内显示回复的消息
    • 支持限制 Discord 消息的换行次数
    • 可广播玩家指令执行
      • 执行指令的玩家也可以看到自己执行的指令
      • 可排除执行特定指令的广播(支持正则表达式)
    • 支持广播使用 /tellraw 和 /say 命令发送的消息
    • 可将所有控制台日志消息发送到 Discord
  • 可使用 Discord 命令
    • 可使用 Discord 管理可执行 DMCC 命令的频道
    • 当有人执行 DMCC 命令时通知游戏内玩家
    • /console 命令支持 Minecraft 命令自动补全
    • 普通命令
      • /help | 获取可用命令列表
      • /info | 查询服务器运行状态
      • /stats <type> <name> | 查询该统计信息的排行榜
      • /update | 检查更新
    • 管理员命令
      • /console <command> | 在服务器控制台中执行命令(仅限管理员)
      • /log <file> | 获取指定的服务器日志(仅限管理员)
      • /reload | 重新加载 Discord-MC-Chat 配置文件(仅限管理员)
      • /stop | 停止服务器(仅限管理员)
    • 可调整权限的命令
      • /whitelist <player> | 添加玩家至服务器白名单
  • 可使用 Minecraft 命令
    • 仅限管理员的命令仅对 4 级管理员可用
    • 普通命令
      • /dmcc help | 获取可用命令列表
      • /dmcc info | 查询服务器运行状态
      • /dmcc stats <type> <name> | 查询该统计信息的排行榜
      • /dmcc update | 检查更新
    • 管理员命令
      • /dmcc reload | 重新加载 Discord-MC-Chat 配置文件(仅限管理员)
    • 可调整权限的命令
      • /dmcc whitelist <player> | 添加玩家至服务器白名单
  • 可完全自定义所有消息格式
    • 可禁用向 Discord 频道发送特定服务器消息
    • 游戏内
      • 来自 Discord 的聊天消息
      • 来自 Discord 的回复消息
      • 来自其它 DMCC 服务器的消息
    • Discord
      • 在服务器启动时
      • 在服务器关闭时
      • 在玩家加入服务器时
      • 在玩家离开服务器时
      • 在玩家达成进度 / 达成目标 / 完成挑战时
        • 多语言支持
        • 支持显示进度 / 挑战 / 目标的描述
      • 在玩家死亡时
        • 多语言支持
      • 在服务器 MSPT 高于预警值时
  • 可使用管理员名单配置用户使用特殊命令的权限
  • 支持配置文件热重载
    • 每次加载配置文件时进行备份
  • 定期检查更新
    • 通过检查服务器 Minecraft 版本兼容性来准确推送 DMCC 版本更新
    • 可自定义更新通知频道
    • 可禁用检查更新
  • 当用户将 JAR 作为应用程序运行而不是 Minecraft 模组时进行提示


代码 语言
de_de Deutsch (Deutschland)
en_us English (US)
es_es Español (España)
fr_fr Français (France)
it_it Italiano (Italia)
ko_kr 한국어(대한민국)
no_no Norsk Bokmål (Norge)
pl_pl Polski (Polska)
pt_br Português (Brasil)
ru_ru Русский (Россия)
zh_cn 简体中文(中国大陆)
zh_hk 繁體中文(香港特別行政區)
zh_tw 繁體中文(台灣)




Stargazers over time


本项目采用 MIT 许可证 进行授权。

作为例外,src/main/java/com/xujiayao/discord_mc_chat/utils/MarkdownParser.java 文件于 2020 年 12 月 31 日从 BRForgers/DisFabric 获取,采用 Mozilla 公共许可证 2.0 (MPL-2.0) 进行授权。

src/main/java/com/xujiayao/discord_mc_chat/utils/MarkdownParser.java 文件的更多详情:

作者:allanf181 (Allan Fernando)



请注意,新创建的 BRForgers/DisFabric-and-DisForge 项目中使用的 "Don't Be a Jerk" 许可证与旧项目 BRForgers/DisFabric 是分开的。

  • 项目名称和许可证的任何近期变更都不会追溯影响到之前特定时刻(即 2020 年 12 月 31 日)所获取的代码的许可条款。
  • 从 BRForgers/DisFabric 获取的任何文件仍仅受 MPL-2.0 许可证条款的约束。

链接到 "Don't Be a Jerk" 许可证:



Discord-MC-Chat 最新版本(2.4.0)支持以下 Minecraft 服务器版本:

  • Minecraft 1.21.x
    • 1.21.4
    • 1.21.3
    • 1.21.2
    • 1.21.1
    • 1.21
  • Minecraft 1.20.x
    • 1.20.6
    • 1.20.5
    • 1.20.4
    • 1.20.3
    • 1.20.2
    • 1.20.1
    • 1.20
  • Minecraft 1.19.x
    • 1.19.4
    • 1.19.3
    • 1.19.2
    • 1.19.1
    • 1.19
  • Minecraft 1.18.x
    • 1.18.2
    • 1.18.1
    • 1.18
  • Minecraft 1.17.x
    • 1.17.1
    • 1.17
  • Minecraft 1.16.x
    • 1.16.5
    • 1.16.4
  • Minecraft 1.15.x
    • 1.15.2
  • Minecraft 1.14.x
    • 1.14.4

Discord-MC-Chat 最新版本依赖以下运行环境:

Fabric Quilt
Minecraft 服务端 1.14.4+ Minecraft 服务端 1.14.4+
Java >=21 Java >=21
Fabric Loader >=0.15.10 Quilt Loader
Fabric API Quilted Fabric API (QFAPI) and Quilt Standard Libraries (QSL)


前往 Modrinth Versions。使用筛选功能找到对应自己的 Minecraft 服务器版本及模组加载器的最新 Discord-MC-Chat 发行版(通常为最新发行版)。

单击下载按钮下载该版本后缀名为 .jar 的文件。



前往 CurseForge Files。使用筛选功能找到对应自己的 Minecraft 服务器版本及模组加载器的最新 Discord-MC-Chat 发行版(通常为最新发行版)。

单击下载按钮下载该版本后缀名为 .jar 的文件。



根据 上述列表 找到支持你的 Minecraft 服务器版本及模组加载器的最新 Discord-MC-Chat 发行版(通常为最新发行版)。

然后,前往 GitHub Releases 找到该版本,并单击下载按钮下载该版本后缀名为 .jar 的文件。



将下载下来的文件移动到 Minecraft 服务器的 mods 文件夹即可。


配置 Discord 机器人

前往 Discord Developer Portal 的 Applications 页面,然后点击右上角的 New Application 按钮创建新应用。


给应用命名,然后点击 Create 按钮创建。

推荐命名为 DMCC

如果要在多个 Minecraft 服务器运行 Discord-MC-Chat,推荐命名为 [服务器名] DMCC




点击 Copy 按钮复制应用 ID,保存以便稍后使用。


转到 Bot 选项卡,修改机器人的头像和用户名。先点击 Reset Token 按钮重置机器人令牌,然后点击 Copy 按钮复制机器人令牌,保存以便稍后使用。

推荐命名为 DMCC Bot

如果要在多个 Minecraft 服务器运行 Discord-MC-Chat,推荐命名为 [服务器名] DMCC Bot



设置 Authorization FlowPrivileged Gateway Intents,参考下图:



在下方文本框粘贴早前所复制的应用 ID,然后点击 邀请 按钮,将自动生成邀请链接并前往 Discord 的邀请页面。



转到 OAuth2 选项卡,在 URL Generator 跟随以下截图勾选复选框。

检查 GENERATED URL 生成的邀请链接是否与下图相符(permissions=537054224scope=bot+applications.commands)。确认无误后,点击右侧的 Copy 按钮复制链接,并将复制的链接粘贴到浏览器新标签页中。


选择要邀请机器人进入的 Discord 服务器,然后点击 Continue,进入下一页面后直接点击 Authorize 按钮。

邀请机器人需要拥有该服务器的 管理服务器 / Manage Server 权限。





安装 Discord-MC-Chat 后首次启动服务器会出现以下报错,并会在 config 文件夹生成一个名为 discord-mc-chat.json 的文件。在再次启动服务器前编辑 discord-mc-chat.json 以配置 Discord-MC-Chat。

你必须在再次启动服务器前编辑 discord-mc-chat.json 以配置 Discord-MC-Chat,否则服务器将无法正常启动!



配置 Discord-MC-Chat

打开 discord-mc-chat.json,配置以下变量后即可使用 Discord-MC-Chat。

Generic 通用

  1. 【必选】 language
    示例 / 默认值:en_us
    说明:Discord-MC-Chat 使用的语言

    代码 语言
    de_de Deutsch (Deutschland)
    en_us English (US)
    es_es Español (España)
    fr_fr Français (France)
    it_it Italiano (Italia)
    ko_kr 한국어(대한민국)
    no_no Norsk Bokmål (Norge)
    pl_pl Polski (Polska)
    pt_br Português (Brasil)
    ru_ru Русский (Россия)
    zh_cn 简体中文(中国大陆)
    zh_hk 繁體中文(香港特別行政區)
    zh_tw 繁體中文(台灣)
  2. 【必选】 botToken
    示例 / 默认值:xxxxxx.xxx.xxxxxx
    说明:Discord 机器人令牌

  3. 【必选】 showServerStatusInBotStatus
    示例 / 默认值:true
    说明:是否使用机器人 Discord 在线状态中显示服务器状态

    服务器状态 在线状态
    启动中(约 10 秒) 请勿打扰
    无在线玩家 闲置
    有在线玩家 在线
    停止中(约 10 秒) 请勿打扰
  4. 【可选】 botPlayingActivity / botListeningActivity
    示例 / 默认值:botPlayingActivity: Minecraft (%onlinePlayerCount%/%maxPlayerCount%)

  5. 【必选】 useWebhook
    示例 / 默认值:true
    说明:是否启用 Webhook 功能(禁用则使用机器人自身发送聊天消息)

  6. 【必选】 channelId
    示例 / 默认值:123456
    说明:Discord 频道 ID(右键频道即可复制 ID,需要在 Discord 设置中开启开发者模式)

  7. 【可选】 consoleLogChannelId
    示例 / 默认值:654321
    说明:广播控制台日志的 Discord 频道 ID(留空则禁用此功能)(获取 ID 的方法相同)

  8. 【可选】 updateNotificationChannelId
    示例 / 默认值:456789
    说明:自定义用于发送更新通知的 Discord 频道 ID(留空则禁用此功能)(获取 ID 的方法相同)

  9. 【必选】 avatarApi
    示例 / 默认值:2D 头像可使用 https://mc-heads.net/avatar/{player_uuid}.png / 3D 头像可使用 https://visage.surgeplay.com/bust/{player_uuid}.png
    说明:自定义 Webhook 玩家头像 API 链接

    Player 参数 头像获取方式
    {player_uuid} 使用玩家 UUID
    {player_name} 使用玩家显示昵称
    {player_textures} 兼容用于实时皮肤更换的模组和插件,如 Geyser、Fabric Tailor、SkinsRestorer 等
  10. 【必选】 broadcastPlayerCommandExecution
    示例 / 默认值:true
    说明:是否广播 Minecraft 玩家指令执行

  11. 【必选】 broadcastSlashCommandExecution
    示例 / 默认值:true
    说明:是否广播 Discord 斜线命令执行

  12. 【必选】 announceServerStartStop
    示例 / 默认值:true

  13. 【必选】 announcePlayerJoinLeave
    示例 / 默认值:true

  14. 【必选】 announceDeathMessages
    示例 / 默认值:true

  15. 【必选】 announceAdvancements
    示例 / 默认值:true
    说明:是否广播玩家达成进度 / 达成目标 / 完成挑战

  16. 【必选】 broadcastChatMessages
    示例 / 默认值:true
    说明:是否广播 Discord 和游戏内聊天

  17. 【必选】 formatChatMessages
    示例 / 默认值:true

  18. 【可选】 allowedMentions
    示例 / 默认值:["everyone", "users", "roles"]
    说明:自定义允许游戏内提及 (@) 的范围(清空列表即为禁止所有游戏内提及)

  19. 【必选】 useServerNickname
    示例 / 默认值:true
    说明:是否显示 Discord 服务器昵称

  20. 【可选】 discordNewlineLimit
    示例 / 默认值:3
    说明:自定义 Discord 消息换行次数限制(所有超出限制的换行将全部替换为单个 ...

  21. 【必选】 announceHighMspt
    示例 / 默认值:true
    说明:是否在服务器 MSPT 高于预警值时发出通知

  22. 【可选】 msptCheckInterval
    示例 / 默认值:5000
    说明:自定义 MSPT 检查间隔

  23. 【可选】 msptLimit
    示例 / 默认值:50
    说明:服务器 MSPT 预警值

  24. 【必选】 whitelistRequiresAdmin
    示例 / 默认值:true
    说明:是否将 DMCC /whitelist 命令的使用权限设置为仅限管理员

  25. 【必选】 notifyUpdates
    示例 / 默认值:true

  26. 【必选】 mentionAdminsForUpdates
    示例 / 默认值:true
    说明:是否在发送更新通知时提及 Discord-MC-Chat 管理员

  27. 【必选】 updateChannelTopic
    示例 / 默认值:true
    说明:是否使用 Discord 频道主题功能显示服务器状态

  28. 【可选】 channelTopicUpdateInterval
    示例 / 默认值:600000
    说明:自定义 Discord 频道主题更新服务器状态的间隔

  29. 【必选】 shutdownImmediately
    示例 / 默认值:false

  30. 【可选】 excludedCommands
    示例 / 默认值:["\\/msg ([^@].*)", "\\/tell ([^@].*)", "\\/tellraw ([^@].*)", "\\/w ([^@].*)", "\\/teammsg (.*)", "\\/tm (.*)"]
    说明:Discord-MC-Chat 指令排除列表(正则表达式),不处理和发送指定指令(可多于一个)。你可以访问 https://regexr.com/83uki 进行正则表达式测试并添加你自己的命令。

  31. 【必选】 adminsIds
    示例 / 默认值:["456789", "987654"]
    说明:Discord-MC-Chat 管理员 ID 列表(支持用户 ID 和用户组 ID),拥有使用特殊命令的权限(可多于一个)

MultiServer 多服务器

  1. 【必选】 enable
    示例 / 默认值:false
    说明:是否启用多服务器模式(在一个 Discord 频道中使用多于一个 Discord-MC-Chat)

  2. 【可选】 host
    示例 / 默认值:

  3. 【可选】 port
    示例 / 默认值:5000

  4. 【可选】 name
    示例 / 默认值:SMP
    说明:使用多服务器模式时显示的 Minecraft 服务器名称

  5. 【可选】 botIds
    示例 / 默认值:["123456789"]
    说明:所有 Discord-MC-Chat 机器人的 ID(右键机器人即可复制 ID,需要在 Discord 设置中开启开发者模式)

CustomMessage 自定义消息格式


默认语言文件位于 /wrapper/src/main/resources/lang/ 文件夹 中。你可以访问该文件夹以获取默认值,并参考默认值及以下说明来自定义消息格式。


  • unformatted 开头的选项必须清除所有格式
  • formatted 开头的选项必须为 JSON 格式
  • 其余选项为 Markdown 格式
  1. unformattedResponseMessage / formattedResponseMessage

    可用占位符 说明
    %server% 消息来源(Discord
    %name% Discord 用户名或服务器昵称 / Discord Webhook 用户名
    %roleName% 用户身份组名称
    %roleColor% 用户身份组颜色(仅限 formattedResponseMessage
    %message% 发送的消息
  2. unformattedChatMessage / formattedChatMessage

    可用占位符 说明
    %server% 消息来源(Discord 或 Minecraft 服务器名)
    %name% Discord 用户名或服务器昵称 / Minecraft 玩家昵称
    %roleName% 用户身份组名称(仅限 Discord 来源)
    %roleColor% 用户身份组颜色(仅限 Discord 来源 + formattedChatMessage
    %message% 发送的消息
  3. unformattedOtherMessage / formattedOtherMessage

    可用占位符 说明
    %server% 消息来源(Discord 或 Minecraft 服务器名)
    %message% 发送的消息
  4. unformattedCommandNotice / formattedCommandNotice

    可用占位符 说明
    %name% Discord 用户名或服务器昵称
    %roleName% 用户身份组名称
    %roleColor% 用户身份组颜色(仅限 formattedCommandNotice
    %command% 执行的命令
  5. messageWithoutWebhook / messageWithoutWebhookForMultiServer
    说明:在禁用 Webhook 发送消息时使用

    可用占位符 说明
    %server% Minecraft 服务器名(启用多服务器模式时适用)
    %name% Minecraft 玩家昵称
    %message% 发送的消息
  6. serverStarted / serverStopped
    说明:在服务器启动 / 关闭时使用

    可用占位符 说明
    N/A N/A
  7. joinServer / leftServer
    说明:在玩家加入 / 离开服务器时使用

    可用占位符 说明
    %playerName% 玩家昵称
  8. deathMessage

    可用占位符 说明
    %deathMessage% 死亡消息
    %playerName% 玩家昵称
  9. advancementTask / advancementGoal / advancementChallenge
    说明:在玩家达成进度 / 达成目标 / 完成挑战时使用

    可用占位符 说明
    %playerName% 玩家昵称
    %advancement% 进度 / 目标 / 挑战名称
    %description% 进度 / 目标 / 挑战描述
  10. highMspt
    说明:在服务器 MSPT 高于预警值时使用

    可用占位符 说明
    %mspt% 当前服务器 MSPT
    %msptLimit% MSPT 预警值
  11. offlineChannelTopic

    可用占位符 说明
    %lastUpdateTime% 最后更新时间
  12. onlineChannelTopic
    说明:在服务器启动后按 generic.channelTopicUpdateInterval 设置的间隔使用

    可用占位符 说明
    %onlinePlayerCount% 服务器在线玩家数量
    %maxPlayerCount% 服务器玩家数量限制
    %uniquePlayerCount% 服务器玩家总数
    %serverStartedTime% 服务器启动时间
    %lastUpdateTime% 最后更新时间
    %nextUpdateTime% 下一次更新时间
  13. onlineChannelTopicForMultiServer
    说明:在服务器启动后按 generic.channelTopicUpdateInterval 设置的间隔使用(启用多服务器模式时适用)

    可用占位符 说明
    %onlinePlayerCount% 服务器在线玩家数量
    %maxPlayerCount% 服务器玩家数量限制
    %uniquePlayerCount% 服务器玩家总数
    %onlineServerCount% 在线服务器数量
    %onlineServerList% 在线服务器列表
    %serverStartedTime% 服务器启动时间
    %lastUpdateTime% 最后更新时间
    %nextUpdateTime% 下一次更新时间

latestVersion & latestCheckTime


DMCC Discord Server is now public! Join now through: https://discord.gg/kbXkV6k2XU


Discord-MC-Chat (DMCC), formerly known as MC-Discord-Chat and MCDiscordChat (MCDC), is a practical and powerful Fabric and Quilt Minecraft <> Discord chat bridge inspired by BRForgers/DisFabric.




All releases can be downloaded at the following sites:

You can find the latest build JAR files at GitHub Actions.


If there is a bug or suggestion, or something you don't understand, you can submit an issue on GitHub.

DMCC Discord Server is now public! Join now through: https://discord.gg/kbXkV6k2XU


You are welcome to contribute to DMCC!

If you are interested in contributing to DMCC, you can submit a pull request on GitHub.

For code contributions, the build file is located in the /build/ folder.

For translation contributions, language files are located in the /wrapper/src/main/resources/lang/ folder. Copy en_us.json and rename the new one to your language code to get started. Please provide translations for the entire file for all keys.


  • Full multi-language support
  • Support multi-server mode (running more than one Minecraft server with DMCC in the same Discord guild)
  • Minecraft <> Discord cross server chat
    • Support disabling Discord and in-game chat broadcasts
    • Support displaying server status using Discord channel topic feature
    • Support displaying server status in bot's Discord online status
    • Support displaying server player count in bot's Discord activity status
    • Support Discord Webhook feature
      • Dynamic-created DMCC Webhook
      • Customizable Webhook Avatar API that is compatible with mods and plugins for real-time skin changes
      • Use the bot itself to send chat messages when Webhook is disabled
    • Support in-game Markdown parsing
    • Support highlighting and using default Unicode and server custom emoji in-game
    • Support highlighting stickers in-game
    • Support highlighting and mentions (@) in-game
      • Customizable scope of allowed mentions (@) in-game
      • Support disabling mentions (@) in-game
    • Support highlighting and opening hyperlinks and GIFs in-game
    • Support disabling all parsing
    • Support in-game display of Discord user role colour
    • Support in-game display of response messages
    • Support limiting the number of newlines for Discord messages
    • Broadcast player command execution
      • Players who execute commands can also see the commands themselves
      • Exclude broadcasts for execution of specific commands (support regular expression)
    • Support broadcasting messages sent using /tellraw and /say command
    • Send all console log messages to Discord
  • Discord Commands available
    • Use Discord to manage channels that can execute DMCC commands
    • Notify in-game players when someone executes an DMCC command
    • /console command supports Minecraft command auto-completion
    • Normal Commands
      • /help | Get a list of available commands
      • /info | Query server running status
      • /stats <type> <name> | Query the scoreboard of a statistic
      • /update | Check for update
    • Admin Commands
      • /console <command> | Execute a command in the server console (admin only)
      • /log <file> | Get the specified server log (admin only)
      • /reload | Reload Discord-MC-Chat config file (admin only)
      • /stop | Stop the server (admin only)
    • Commands with Adjustable Permissions
      • /whitelist <player> | Add a player to the server whitelist
  • Minecraft Commands available
    • Admin-only commands require a level 4 operator at minimum
    • Normal Commands
      • /dmcc help | Get a list of available commands
      • /dmcc info | Query server running status
      • /dmcc stats <type> <name> | Query the scoreboard of a statistic
      • /dmcc update | Check for update
    • Admin Commands
      • /dmcc reload | Reload Discord-MC-Chat config file (admin only)
    • Commands with Adjustable Permissions
      • /dmcc whitelist <player> | Add a player to the server whitelist
  • Fully customizable message format
    • Sending specific server messages to Discord can be disabled
    • In-game
      • Chat messages from Discord
      • Response messages from Discord
      • Messages from other DMCC servers
    • Discord
      • Server started
      • Server stopped
      • Player joined server
      • Player left server
      • Player reached a progress / achieved a goal / completed a challenge
        • Multilingual support
        • Support displaying descriptions for task/challenge/goal messages
      • Player died
        • Multilingual support
      • Server MSPT is higher than a certain value
  • Use admin list to configure user permissions to use special commands
  • Support Hot Reloading of the config file
    • Backup every time the config file is loaded
  • Check for updates regularly
    • Push DMCC version updates accurately by checking server Minecraft version compatibility
    • Customizable update notification channel
    • Check for updates can be disabled
  • Prompt when the user runs the JAR as an application instead of a Minecraft mod

Languages currently available:

Code Language
de_de Deutsch (Deutschland)
en_us English (US)
es_es Español (España)
fr_fr Français (France)
it_it Italiano (Italia)
ko_kr 한국어(대한민국)
no_no Norsk Bokmål (Norge)
pl_pl Polski (Polska)
pt_br Português (Brasil)
ru_ru Русский (Россия)
zh_cn 简体中文(中国大陆)
zh_hk 繁體中文(香港特別行政區)
zh_tw 繁體中文(台灣)



Stargazers over time

Stargazers over time


This project is licensed under the MIT license.

Exceptionally, the src/main/java/com/xujiayao/discord_mc_chat/utils/MarkdownParser.java file was obtained from BRForgers/DisFabric on December 31, 2020, licensed under the Mozilla Public License 2.0 (MPL-2.0).

More details of the src/main/java/com/xujiayao/discord_mc_chat/utils/MarkdownParser.java file:

Author: allanf181 (Allan Fernando)

Link to the original source:

Link to the license:

Note that the "Don't Be a Jerk" license used in the newly created project BRForgers/DisFabric-and-DisForge is separate from the old project BRForgers/DisFabric.

  • Any recent changes in the project name and license do not retroactively affect the license terms of the code obtained at a specific moment before, that is, December 31, 2020.
  • Any files obtained from BRForgers/DisFabric continue to be subject to the terms of the MPL-2.0 license only.

Link to the "Don't Be a Jerk" license:



The latest version of Discord-MC-Chat (2.4.0) supports the following Minecraft server versions:

  • Minecraft 1.21.x
    • 1.21.4
    • 1.21.3
    • 1.21.2
    • 1.21.1
    • 1.21
  • Minecraft 1.20.x
    • 1.20.6
    • 1.20.5
    • 1.20.4
    • 1.20.3
    • 1.20.2
    • 1.20.1
    • 1.20
  • Minecraft 1.19.x
    • 1.19.4
    • 1.19.3
    • 1.19.2
    • 1.19.1
    • 1.19
  • Minecraft 1.18.x
    • 1.18.2
    • 1.18.1
    • 1.18
  • Minecraft 1.17.x
    • 1.17.1
    • 1.17
  • Minecraft 1.16.x
    • 1.16.5
    • 1.16.4
  • Minecraft 1.15.x
    • 1.15.2
  • Minecraft 1.14.x
    • 1.14.4

The latest version of Discord-MC-Chat depends on the following environment:

Fabric Quilt
Minecraft Server 1.14.4+ Minecraft Server 1.14.4+
Java >=21 Java >=21
Fabric Loader >=0.15.10 Quilt Loader
Fabric API Quilted Fabric API (QFAPI) and Quilt Standard Libraries (QSL)


Go to Modrinth Versions. Use the filtering feature to find the latest Discord-MC-Chat release that corresponds to your Minecraft server version and mod loader (it is usually the latest DMCC release).

Click the download button to download the file with the .jar extension.



Go to CurseForge Files. Use the filtering feature to find the latest Discord-MC-Chat release that corresponds to your Minecraft server version and mod loader (it is usually the latest DMCC release).

Click the download button to download the file with the .jar extension.



Find the latest Discord-MC-Chat release that supports your Minecraft server version and mod loader according to the above list (it is usually the latest DMCC release).

Then, go to GitHub Releases to locate that version and click the download button to download the file with the .jar extension.



Move the downloaded file to the mods folder of your Minecraft server.


Configure Discord Bot

Go to the Applications page of the Discord Developer Portal, then click the New Application button in the top right corner to create a new application.


Name the application, then click the Create button.

It is recommended to name it DMCC.

If you want to run Discord-MC-Chat on multiple Minecraft servers, it is recommended to name it [Server Name] DMCC.
Example: [SMP] DMCC, [CMP] DMCC

There are no format restrictions.


You can change the application's avatar and description. The rest of the information does not need to be modified.

Click the Copy button to copy the application ID. Save it for later use.


Go to the Bot tab to modify the bot's avatar and username. Click the Reset Token button to reset the bot token, then click the Copy button to copy the bot token . Save it for later use.

It is recommended to name it DMCC Bot.

If you want to run Discord-MC-Chat on multiple Minecraft servers, it is recommended to name it [Server Name] DMCC Bot.
Example: [SMP] DMCC Bot, [CMP] DMCC Bot

There are no format restrictions.


Set the Authorization Flow and Privileged Gateway Intents, referring to the image below:


At this point, the bot has been created, but it is not actually in any server.

Paste the previously copied application ID into the text box below, then click the Invite button, which will automatically generate an invite link and take you to the Discord invite page.

If you are concerned about the automatically generated invite link, you can also read the following collapsed content to generate it manually.

Manually Generating Invite Link

Go to the OAuth2 tab. At the URL Generator, follow the screenshot below to check the checkboxes.

Check if the invite link generated at GENERATED URL matches the image below (permissions=537054224 and scope=bot+applications.commands). Once confirmed, click the Copy button on the right to copy the link, and paste the copied link into a new tab in your browser.


Select the Discord server you want to invite the bot to, then click Continue. On the next page, simply click the Authorize button.

Inviting the bot requires you to have the Manage Server permission for that server.



At this point, the bot configuration is complete.

First Start

After installing Discord-MC-Chat, the first startup of the server will display the following error, and a file named discord-mc-chat.json will be generated in the config folder. Edit discord-mc-chat.json to configure Discord-MC-Chat before restarting the server.

You must edit discord-mc-chat.json to configure Discord-MC-Chat before restarting the server! Otherwise, the server will not start properly!



Configure Discord-MC-Chat

Open discord-mc-chat.json and set the following variables to use Discord-MC-Chat.


  1. [Required] language
    Example / Default value: en_us
    Description: The language Discord-MC-Chat uses
    Languages currently available: (You are welcome to contribute translations!)
    Contributing: https://github.com/Xujiayao/Discord-MC-Chat#Contributing

    Code Language
    de_de Deutsch (Deutschland)
    en_us English (US)
    es_es Español (España)
    fr_fr Français (France)
    it_it Italiano (Italia)
    ko_kr 한국어(대한민국)
    no_no Norsk Bokmål (Norge)
    pl_pl Polski (Polska)
    pt_br Português (Brasil)
    ru_ru Русский (Россия)
    zh_cn 简体中文(中国大陆)
    zh_hk 繁體中文(香港特別行政區)
    zh_tw 繁體中文(台灣)
  2. [Required] botToken
    Example / Default value: xxxxxx.xxx.xxxxxx
    Description: Discord bot token

  3. [Required] showServerStatusInBotStatus
    Example / Default value: true
    Description: Whether to display server status in bot's Discord online status

    Server Status Bot Status
    Starting (around 10 seconds) Do Not Disturb
    No players online Idle
    Have players online Online
    Stopping (around 0.5 seconds) Do Not Disturb
  4. [Optional] botPlayingActivity / botListeningActivity
    Example / Default value: botPlayingActivity: Minecraft (%onlinePlayerCount%/%maxPlayerCount%)
    Description: Set the bot activity status (choose one of two) (leave blank to disable this feature)

  5. [Required] useWebhook
    Example / Default value: true
    Description: Whether to enable the Webhook feature (disable to use the bot itself to send chat messages)

  6. [Required] channelId
    Example / Default value: 123456
    Description: Discord Channel ID (right click the channel to copy the ID, you have to turn on developer mode in Discord settings)

  7. [Optional] consoleLogChannelId
    Example / Default value: 654321
    Description: Discord Channel ID for console log broadcast (leave blank to disable this feature) (the method to get the ID is the same)

  8. [Optional] updateNotificationChannelId
    Example / Default value: 456789
    Description: Discord Channel ID for custom update notification (leave blank to disable this feature) (the method to get the ID is the same)

  9. [Required] avatarApi
    Example / Default value: 2D avatars may use https://mc-heads.net/avatar/{player_uuid}.png / 3D avatars may use https://visage.surgeplay.com/bust/{player_uuid}.png
    Description: URL of the Player Avatar API for Webhook

    Player Parameter Avatar Retrieval Method
    {player_uuid} Uses the player UUID
    {player_name} Uses the player display name
    {player_textures} Compatible with mods and plugins for real-time skin changing, such as Geyser, Fabric Tailor, SkinsRestorer, etc.
  10. [Required] broadcastPlayerCommandExecution
    Example / Default value: true
    Description: Whether to broadcast Minecraft player command execution

  11. [Required] broadcastSlashCommandExecution
    Example / Default value: true
    Description: Whether to broadcast Discord slash command execution

  12. [Required] announceServerStartStop
    Example / Default value: true
    Description: Whether to broadcast server start and stop

  13. [Required] announcePlayerJoinLeave
    Example / Default value: true
    Description: Whether to broadcast player join and leave the server

  14. [Required] announceDeathMessages
    Example / Default value: true
    Description: Whether to broadcast player death messages

  15. [Required] announceAdvancements
    Example / Default value: true
    Description: Whether to broadcast player reach a progress / achieve a goal / complete a challenge

  16. [Required] broadcastChatMessages
    Example / Default value: true
    Description: Whether to broadcast Discord and in-game chat

  17. [Required] formatChatMessages
    Example / Default value: true
    Description: Whether to format in-game chat messages

  18. [Optional] allowedMentions
    Example / Default value: ["everyone", "users", "roles"]
    Description: Customizable scope of allowed mentions (@) in-game (Clear the list to disallow all in-game mentions)

  19. [Required] useServerNickname
    Example / Default value: true
    Description: Whether to display Discord server nickname

  20. [Optional] discordNewlineLimit
    Example / Default value: 3
    Description: Customize the newline limit for Discord messages (all excess newlines will be replaced with a single ...)

  21. [Required] announceHighMspt
    Example / Default value: true
    Description: Whether to announce when the server MSPT is higher than the MSPT Limit

  22. [Optional] msptCheckInterval
    Example / Default value: 5000
    Description: Customize MSPT check interval

  23. [Optional] msptLimit
    Example / Default value: 50
    Description: Server MSPT Limit

  24. [Required] whitelistRequiresAdmin
    Example / Default value: true
    Description: Whether to set the permissions of DMCC /whitelist command to admin only

  25. [Required] notifyUpdates
    Example / Default value: true
    Description: Whether to send update notifications

  26. [Required] mentionAdminsForUpdates
    Example / Default value: true
    Description: Whether to mention (@) Discord-MC-Chat admins when sending update notifications

  27. [Required] updateChannelTopic
    Example / Default value: true
    Description: Whether to display server status using Discord channel topic feature

  28. [Optional] channelTopicUpdateInterval
    Example / Default value: 600000
    Description: Customize update server status using Discord channel topic interval

  29. [Required] shutdownImmediately
    Example / Default value: false
    Description: Whether to wait for the rate limit to reset on shutdown

  30. [Optional] excludedCommands
    Example / Default value: ["\\/msg ([^@].*)", "\\/tell ([^@].*)", "\\/tellraw ([^@].*)", "\\/w ([^@].*)", "\\/teammsg (.*)", "\\/tm (.*)"]
    Description: Discord-MC-Chat Command Exclusion List (regular expression), do not process and send specified commands (can be more than one). You may visit https://regexr.com/83uki for a regex test and add your own commands.

  31. [Required] adminsIds
    Example / Default value: ["456789", "987654"]
    Description: Discord-MC-Chat Admin ID List (Support User ID and Role ID), have permission to use special commands (can be more than one)


  1. [Required] enable
    Example / Default value: false
    Description: Whether to enable multi-server mode (using more than one Discord-MC-Chat in a Discord channel)

  2. [Optional] host
    Example / Default value:
    Description: The host used for multi-server communication (if you don't know what this is, use the default settings)

  3. [Optional] port
    Example / Default value: 5000
    Description: The port used for multi-server communication (if you don't know what this is, use the default settings)

  4. [Optional] name
    Example / Default value: SMP
    Description: Minecraft server name displayed when using multi-server mode

  5. [Optional] botIds
    Example / Default value: ["123456789"]
    Description: IDs of all Discord-MC-Chat bots (right click on the bot to copy the ID, you have to turn on developer mode in Discord settings)

CustomMessage (custom message format)

Leave the options blank to use the default values, and fill in any of them to use the custom values.

The default language files are located in the /wrapper/src/main/resources/lang/ folder. You may access this folder to get the default values, then refer to the default values and the descriptions below to customize the message format.


  • Options starting with unformatted must have all formatting removed
  • Options starting with formatted must be in JSON format
  • The remaining options are in Markdown format
  1. unformattedResponseMessage / formattedResponseMessage
    Description: Used when sending replies to chat messages

    Available Placeholders Description
    %server% Message source (Discord)
    %name% Discord username or server nickname / Discord Webhook username
    %roleName% User role name
    %roleColor% User role color (formattedResponseMessage only)
    %message% Message sent
  2. unformattedChatMessage / formattedChatMessage
    Description: Used when sending chat messages

    Available Placeholders Description
    %server% Message source (Discord or Minecraft server name)
    %name% Discord username or server nickname / Minecraft player username
    %roleName% User role name (Discord source only)
    %roleColor% User role color (Discord source + formattedChatMessage only)
    %message% Message sent
  3. unformattedOtherMessage / formattedOtherMessage
    Description: Used when sending other messages

    Available Placeholders Description
    %server% Message source (Discord or Minecraft server name)
    %message% Message sent
  4. unformattedCommandNotice / formattedCommandNotice
    Description: Used when sending command execution notifications

    Available Placeholders Description
    %name% Discord username or server nickname
    %roleName% User role name
    %roleColor% User role color (formattedCommandNotice only)
    %command% Command executed
  5. messageWithoutWebhook / messageWithoutWebhookForMultiServer
    Description: Used when Webhook message sending is disabled

    Available Placeholders Description
    %server% Minecraft server name (applicable when multi-server mode is enabled)
    %name% Minecraft player username
    %message% Message sent
  6. serverStarted / serverStopped
    Description: Used when server started / stopped

    Available Placeholders Description
    N/A N/A
  7. joinServer / leftServer
    Description: Used when players joined / left the server

    Available Placeholders Description
    %playerName% Player username
  8. deathMessage
    Description: Used when players died

    Available Placeholders Description
    %deathMessage% Death message
    %playerName% Player username
  9. advancementTask / advancementGoal / advancementChallenge
    Description: Used when players reached a progress / achieved a goal / completed a challenge

    Available Placeholders Description
    %playerName% Player username
    %advancement% Progress / goal / challenge name
    %description% Progress / goal / challenge description
  10. highMspt
    Description: Used when the server MSPT is higher than the MSPT Limit

    Available Placeholders Description
    %mspt% Current server MSPT
    %msptLimit% MSPT Limit
  11. offlineChannelTopic
    Description: Used when server stopped

    Available Placeholders Description
    %lastUpdateTime% Last update time
  12. onlineChannelTopic
    Description: Used at the interval set by generic.channelTopicUpdateInterval after server started

    Available Placeholders Description
    %onlinePlayerCount% Number of online players on the server
    %maxPlayerCount% Limit on the number of players on the server
    %uniquePlayerCount% Number of unique players who have ever joined the server
    %serverStartedTime% Server started time
    %lastUpdateTime% Last update time
    %nextUpdateTime% Next update time
  13. onlineChannelTopicForMultiServer
    Description: Used at the interval set by generic.channelTopicUpdateInterval after server started (applicable when multi-server mode is enabled)

    Available Placeholders Description
    %onlinePlayerCount% Number of online players on all servers
    %maxPlayerCount% Limit on the number of players on all servers
    %uniquePlayerCount% Number of unique players who have ever joined all servers
    %onlineServerCount% Number of online servers
    %onlineServerList% List of online servers
    %serverStartedTime% Server started time
    %lastUpdateTime% Last update time
    %nextUpdateTime% Next update time

latestVersion & latestCheckTime

Do NOT modify. Modifying them doesn't stop checking for updates.


Is there a video tutorial for setting up the Discord bot?

You may find this video created by Youtuber @The Goose Soup helpful:


I cannot understand your English for configuring DMCC!

You may find this older config created by Discord user @ayreysoup helpful. I fixed some error in the explanation.

Do NOT copy this config and replace your config directly with it, as this configuration is not up to date!

"generic": {
"language": "en_us", // Language of the bot. Available languages are listed in the Docs.
"botToken": "", // Put your bot token here, and don't share it with ANYONE ELSE.
"showServerStatusInBotStatus": true, // Shows the status of the server (listed below) in the bot's status.
"botPlayingActivity": "Minecraft (%onlinePlayerCount%/%maxPlayerCount%)", // Sets the status of the game (it can dynamically change with server player count).
"botListeningActivity": "", // Only two available options: Playing, Listening. Use either one.
"useWebhook": true, // Sends Minecraft chat messages as a Discord Webhook in the Minecraft Messages Channel.
"channelId": "", // Used for Minecraft Messages through Discord and to Minecraft.
"consoleLogChannelId": "", // Channel to show the Minecraft console in Discord.
"updateNotificationChannelId": "", // Channel to send notifications whenever there's a new update.
"useUuidInsteadOfName": true, // Used for Minecraft player heads when using the Webhook.
"avatarApi": "https://mc-heads.net/avatar/%player%.png", // Database to find the player heads.
"broadcastPlayerCommandExecution": true, // Shares commands sent by the player to Discord.
"broadcastSlashCommandExecution": true, // Shares commands sent by the Discord command user to Minecraft.
"announceServerStartStop": true, // Sends "Server started!" in the Minecraft Messages channel.
"announcePlayerJoinLeave": true, // Sends "Server stopped!" in the Minecraft Messages channel.
"announceDeathMessages": true, // Sends "[Player] Died by [blank]" in the Minecraft Messages channel.
"announceAdvancements": true, // Sends "[Player] Achieved [blank]" in the Minecraft Messages channel.
"broadcastChatMessages": true, // Lets messages from Minecraft and Discord be shared in the Minecraft chat and in the Minecraft Messages channel.
"formatChatMessages": true, // Styles the Minecraft chat message sent by a user in the game.
"allowedMentions": [
"useServerNickname": true, // Used to display the member's Discord nickname in the Minecraft chat instead of the username.
"discordNewlineLimit": 3,
"announceHighMspt": true,
"msptCheckInterval": 5000,
"msptLimit": 50,
"whitelistRequiresAdmin": true,
"notifyUpdates": true, // Announces a new update to the mod in Discord.
"mentionAdminsForUpdates": true,
"updateChannelTopic": true,
"channelTopicUpdateInterval": 600000,
"shutdownImmediately": true,
"excludedCommands": [
"\\/msg ([^@].*)",
"\\/tell ([^@].*)",
"\\/tellraw ([^@].*)",
"\\/w ([^@].*)",
"\\/teammsg (.*)",
"\\/tm (.*)"
"adminsIds": [
"" // Discord IDs for the admins in your server.
"multiServer": { // Used if you have multiple servers you want to connect through the chat mod.
"enable": true,
"host": "",
"port": 5000,
"name": "SMP",
"botIds": [
... leave all items below default will do ...

How to set up the multi-server function?

This step covers the creation of the discord bot. Do it again but name the application and the bot after your second server.

Put the token for the second bot into the DMCC config of the second server, under botToken.

Go to the multiServer section of the config, and put the bot ID from for both bots in botIds, just like what you have done for the adminIds list. Note that the name must be different.

Changelog 更新日志

2.4.0 - 2025/1/4

Discord-MC-Chat 2.4.0 for Minecraft 1.14.4+ - 2025/1/4

DMCC Discord Server is now public! Join now through: https://discord.gg/kbXkV6k2XU

New features that involve modifying the config file have been released in this version. Please read the docs to reconfigure generic.avatarApi and generic.excludedCommands!

DMCC Discord 服务器现已公开!通过以下链接加入:https://discord.gg/kbXkV6k2XU

本版本发布了涉及修改配置文件的新功能。请阅读文档以重新配置 generic.avatarApigeneric.excludedCommands

New Features 新特性

  • Compatible with all mods and plugins that use the textures field in GameProfile for real-time skin changes (#222 and #228)
    兼容所有使用 GameProfile 中的 textures 项进行实时皮肤更换的模组和插件

  • Prompt when the user runs the JAR as an application instead of a Minecraft mod
    当用户将 JAR 作为应用程序运行而不是 Minecraft 模组时进行提示

Changes 更改

  • The excludedCommands list now only supports regular expressions (#247)
    excludedCommands 列表现在仅支持正则表达式

Removed 移除


Contributors 贡献者

  • @Xujiayao

Detailed Information 详细信息


旧版本 Older Versions

2.3.5 - 2024/10/29

Discord-MC-Chat 2.3.5 for Minecraft 1.14.4+ - 2024/10/29

DMCC Discord Server is now public! Join now through: https://discord.gg/kbXkV6k2XU

DMCC now supports switching to Brazilian Portuguese. Note that DMCC no longer releases Active and Compat versions separately.

As this is a minor release, new features that involve modifying the config file are not released in this version.

DMCC Discord 服务器现已公开!通过以下链接加入:https://discord.gg/kbXkV6k2XU

DMCC 现在支持切换到巴西葡萄牙语。留意现在 DMCC 不再分开发布 Active 和 Compat 版本。


New Features 新特性

  • Brazilian Portuguese translation (#243)

  • Supports broadcasting messages sent using the /tellraw command (#132 and #250)
    支持广播使用 /tellraw 命令发送的消息

  • Restore /say command broadcast feature in versions 1.18.2 and below (#197)
    恢复在 1.18.2 及更早版本中广播 /say 命令的功能

  • Throws exception when Webhook fails to send (#249)
    在 Webhook 发送失败时抛出异常

  • Compatible with Minecraft 1.21.2 and 1.21.3 (#258)
    兼容 Minecraft 1.21.2 和 1.21.3 版本

Changes 更改

  • Changed the way DMCC handles the /say command (#197)
    更改 DMCC 处理 /say 命令的方式

  • Webhook check only displays an error message when Guild permission is insufficient
    Webhook 检查在 Guild 权限不足时仅显示错误消息

  • No longer release Active and Compat versions separately
    不再分开发布 Active 和 Compat 版本

Removed 移除


Contributors 贡献者

  • @Xujiayao
  • @rodrigoaddor

Detailed Information 详细信息


2.3.4 - 2024/7/11

Discord-MC-Chat 2.3.4 for Minecraft 1.19.4+ - 2024/7/11

DMCC Discord Server is now public! Join now through: https://discord.gg/kbXkV6k2XU

DMCC will support the Placeholder API in the next release.

botPlayingStatus and botListeningStatus have been renamed to botPlayingActivity and botListeningActivity. Please modify them before restarting the server to avoid losing any existing changes.

In addition, the check for updates feature has been fixed. You will be able to receive update notifications for future new versions when using version 2.3.4.

DMCC Discord 服务器现已公开!通过以下链接加入:https://discord.gg/kbXkV6k2XU

DMCC 将在下一个版本中支持 Placeholder API

botPlayingStatusbotListeningStatus 已被重命名为 botPlayingActivitybotListeningActivity。请在重新启动服务器之前进行修改,以免丢失现有的更改。

此外,检查更新的功能已经修复。在使用 2.3.4 版本时,你将能够接收到未来新版本的更新推送。

New Features 新特性

  • Add the ability to display server status in the bot's Discord online status (#95)
    添加在机器人的 Discord 在线状态中显示服务器状态的功能

Changes 更改

  • Improved detection logic for dynamic-created DMCC Webhooks (#233)
    改进 DMCC Webhook 动态创建的检测逻辑

  • Fix number of players in bot activity does not decrease when player leaves the game (#235)

  • Fix DMCC update notifications never being sent (#231, #234 and #239)
    修复 DMCC 更新通知从未发送

  • Fix exception when the world/stats folder does not exist (#38)
    修复 world/stats 文件夹不存在时报错

  • No longer delays checking for updates by an hour (#52)

  • Fix exception when /stats command message exceeds 2000 characters (#212)
    修复 /stats 命令消息超过 2000 个字符时报错

  • Rename botPlayingStatus and botListeningStatus -> botPlayingActivity and botListeningActivity (#95)
    重命名 botPlayingStatus 和 botListeningStatus -> botPlayingActivity 和 botListeningActivity

Removed 移除


Contributors 贡献者

  • @Xujiayao

Detailed Information 详细信息


2.3.4-compat - 2024/7/11

Discord-MC-Chat 2.3.4-compat for Minecraft 1.14.4+ - 2024/7/11

DMCC Discord Server is now public! Join now through: https://discord.gg/kbXkV6k2XU

DMCC will support the Placeholder API in the next release.

botPlayingStatus and botListeningStatus have been renamed to botPlayingActivity and botListeningActivity. Please modify them before restarting the server to avoid losing any existing changes.

In addition, the check for updates feature has been fixed. You will be able to receive update notifications for future new versions when using version 2.3.4.

DMCC Discord 服务器现已公开!通过以下链接加入:https://discord.gg/kbXkV6k2XU

DMCC 将在下一个版本中支持 Placeholder API

botPlayingStatusbotListeningStatus 已被重命名为 botPlayingActivitybotListeningActivity。请在重新启动服务器之前进行修改,以免丢失现有的更改。

此外,检查更新的功能已经修复。在使用 2.3.4 版本时,你将能够接收到未来新版本的更新推送。

New Features 新特性

  • Add the ability to display server status in the bot's Discord online status (#95)
    添加在机器人的 Discord 在线状态中显示服务器状态的功能

Changes 更改

  • Improved detection logic for dynamic-created DMCC Webhooks (#233)
    改进 DMCC Webhook 动态创建的检测逻辑

  • Fix number of players in bot activity does not decrease when player leaves the game (#235)

  • Fix DMCC update notifications never being sent (#231, #234 and #239)
    修复 DMCC 更新通知从未发送

  • Fix exception when the world/stats folder does not exist (#38)
    修复 world/stats 文件夹不存在时报错

  • No longer delays checking for updates by an hour (#52)

  • Fix exception when /stats command message exceeds 2000 characters (#212)
    修复 /stats 命令消息超过 2000 个字符时报错

  • Rename botPlayingStatus and botListeningStatus -> botPlayingActivity and botListeningActivity (#95)
    重命名 botPlayingStatus 和 botListeningStatus -> botPlayingActivity 和 botListeningActivity

Removed 移除


Contributors 贡献者

  • @Xujiayao

Detailed Information 详细信息


2.3.3 - 2024/6/15

Discord-MC-Chat 2.3.3 for Minecraft 1.19.4+ - 2024/6/15

Starting from Minecraft 1.20.5 (Snapshot 24w14a), the game requires Java 21.

Therefore, in order to ensure compatibility with multiple versions, DMCC now requires Fabric Loader version >=0.15.10 and Java version >=21, regardless of whether the game version is later than Minecraft 1.20.5.

从 Minecraft 1.20.5(快照 24w14a)开始,游戏要求 Java 21。

因此,为了保证多版本兼容性,无论游戏版本是否晚于 Minecraft 1.20.5,DMCC 现在都要求 Fabric Loader 版本 >=0.15.10 且 Java 版本 >=21。

New Features 新特性

  • Italian translation (#229)

  • Spanish translation (#232)

  • Compatible with version 1.21 (#237)
    兼容 1.21 版本

Changes 更改

  • Fix special characters in emojis / emotes not being escaped (#227)

Removed 移除

  • Move 1.19.1 - 1.19.3 versions to Compat update channel
    将 1.19.1 - 1.19.3 版本移至 Compat 更新通道

Contributors 贡献者

  • @Xujiayao
  • @Lucadecastle
  • @BroxyZF

Detailed Information 详细信息


2.3.3-compat - 2024/6/15

Discord-MC-Chat 2.3.3-compat for Minecraft 1.14.4+ - 2024/6/15

Starting from Minecraft 1.20.5 (Snapshot 24w14a), the game requires Java 21.

Therefore, in order to ensure compatibility with multiple versions, DMCC now requires Fabric Loader version >=0.15.10 and Java version >=21, regardless of whether the game version is later than Minecraft 1.20.5.

从 Minecraft 1.20.5(快照 24w14a)开始,游戏要求 Java 21。

因此,为了保证多版本兼容性,无论游戏版本是否晚于 Minecraft 1.20.5,DMCC 现在都要求 Fabric Loader 版本 >=0.15.10 且 Java 版本 >=21。

New Features 新特性

  • Move 1.19.1 - 1.19.3 versions to Compat update channel
    将 1.19.1 - 1.19.3 版本移至 Compat 更新通道

  • Italian translation (#229)

  • Spanish translation (#232)

Changes 更改

  • Fix special characters in emojis / emotes not being escaped (#227)

Removed 移除


Contributors 贡献者

  • @Xujiayao
  • @Lucadecastle
  • @BroxyZF

Detailed Information 详细信息


1.20.5-2.3.2 - 2024/4/24

Discord-MC-Chat 1.20.5-2.3.2 for Minecraft 1.20.5 - 2024/4/24

Starting from Minecraft 1.20.5 (Snapshot 24w14a), the game requires Java 21.

Therefore, in order to ensure compatibility with multiple versions, DMCC now requires Fabric Loader version >=0.15.10 and Java version >=21, regardless of whether the game version is later than Minecraft 1.20.5.

从 Minecraft 1.20.5(快照 24w14a)开始,游戏要求 Java 21。

因此,为了保证多版本兼容性,无论游戏版本是否晚于 Minecraft 1.20.5,DMCC 现在都要求 Fabric Loader 版本 >=0.15.10 且 Java 版本 >=21。

New Features 新特性

  • Compatible with version 1.20.5
    兼容 1.20.5 版本

Changes 更改


Removed 移除


Contributors 贡献者

  • @Xujiayao

Detailed Information 详细信息


2.3.2 - 2024/3/17

Discord-MC-Chat 2.3.2 for Minecraft 1.19.1+ - 2024/3/17

New Features 新特性


Changes 更改

  • Fix server crashes due to player deaths caused by falling blocks and intentional game design (#223)

Removed 移除


Contributors 贡献者

  • @Xujiayao

Detailed Information 详细信息


2.3.2-compat - 2024/3/17

Discord-MC-Chat 2.3.2-compat for Minecraft 1.14.4+ - 2024/3/17

New Features 新特性


Changes 更改

  • Fix server crashes due to player deaths caused by falling blocks and intentional game design (#223)

Removed 移除


Contributors 贡献者

  • @Xujiayao

Detailed Information 详细信息


2.3.1 - 2024/2/17

Discord-MC-Chat 2.3.1 for Minecraft 1.19.1+ - 2024/2/17

MC-Discord-Chat (MCDC) has been renamed to Discord-MC-Chat (DMCC).

Please rename the configuration file from mcdiscordchat.json to discord-mc-chat.json before starting the server.

MC-Discord-Chat (MCDC) 已更名为 Discord-MC-Chat (DMCC)。

请在启动服务器前将配置文件从 mcdiscordchat.json 重命名为 discord-mc-chat.json

New Features 新特性


Changes 更改

  • Fix commands are being broadcasted despite the config toggle being turned off (#219)

Removed 移除


Contributors 贡献者

  • @Xujiayao

Detailed Information 详细信息


2.3.1-compat - 2024/2/17

Discord-MC-Chat 2.3.1-compat for Minecraft 1.14.4+ - 2024/2/17

MC-Discord-Chat (MCDC) has been renamed to Discord-MC-Chat (DMCC).

Please rename the configuration file from mcdiscordchat.json to discord-mc-chat.json before starting the server.

MC-Discord-Chat (MCDC) 已更名为 Discord-MC-Chat (DMCC)。

请在启动服务器前将配置文件从 mcdiscordchat.json 重命名为 discord-mc-chat.json

New Features 新特性


Changes 更改

  • Fix commands are being broadcasted despite the config toggle being turned off (#219)

Removed 移除


Contributors 贡献者

  • @Xujiayao

Detailed Information 详细信息


2.2.6 - 2024/1/19

MC-Discord-Chat 2.2.6 for Minecraft 1.19.1+ - 2024/1/19

New Features 新特性


Changes 更改

  • Fix messages are ignored if user IDs are put into the botIds list (#207)
    修复将用户 ID 放入 botIds 列表时消息被忽略

  • Fix server becomes temporarily unresponsive when sending Webhook messages (#210)
    修复服务器在发送 Webhook 消息时暂时无响应

  • Fix inconsistent player names used in MCDC messages to Discord (#208)
    修复发送到 Discord 的 MCDC 消息中使用的玩家名称不一致

Removed 移除


Contributors 贡献者

  • @Xujiayao

Detailed Information 详细信息


2.2.5 - 2023/12/16

MC-Discord-Chat 2.2.5 for Minecraft 1.19.1+ - 2023/12/16

New Features 新特性

  • Compatible with version 1.19.1
    兼容 1.19.1 版本

Changes 更改

  • Fix exception when Discord user role has no colour in version 1.20.4 (#204)
    修复 1.20.4 版本 Discord 用户组没有颜色时报错

Removed 移除


Contributors 贡献者

  • @Xujiayao

Detailed Information 详细信息


2.2.5-compat - 2023/12/16

MC-Discord-Chat 2.2.5-compat for Minecraft 1.14+ - 2023/12/16

New Features 新特性

  • Compatible with version 1.19
    兼容 1.19 版本

Changes 更改


Removed 移除

  • Remove Minecraft console <> Discord chat bridge functionality due to compatibility issues (#197)
    因兼容性问题移除 Minecraft 控制台 <> Discord 聊天桥接功能

Contributors 贡献者

  • @Xujiayao

Detailed Information 详细信息

Since this is the initial release version of the Compat update channel, there is currently no release tag available for comparison.

这是 Compat 更新通道的首个发布版本,因此还没有可供比较的发行标签。

2.2.4 - 2023/12/9

MC-Discord-Chat 2.2.4 for Minecraft 1.19.2+ - 2023/12/9

Starting from this version, MCDC will be split into two version update channels: "Active" and "Compat (Compatibility)".

Minecraft versions in the Active channel will be released every time a new version of MCDC is released, while Minecraft versions in the Compat channel will only be released from time to time.

从此版本开始,MCDC 将分为两个版本更新通道:"Active (活跃)" 和 "Compat (兼容)"。

Active 通道中的 Minecraft 版本将在每次 MCDC 新版本发布时发布,而 Compat 通道中的 Minecraft 版本只会偶尔发布。

New Features 新特性

  • German translation (#200)

  • Compatible with versions 1.19.2, 1.19.3, 1.20.3 and 1.20.4 (#202)
    兼容 1.19.2、1.19.3、1.20.3 和 1.20.4 版本

Changes 更改

  • Fix exception when a player joins the server in Minecraft versions below 1.19.4
    修复使用 1.19.4 以下 Minecraft 版本时玩家加入服务器报错

  • Use an Emoji library that is under constant maintenance
    使用有在持续维护的 Emoji 表情符号库

Removed 移除

  • Move 1.14.4, 1.15.2 and 1.16.4 - 1.18.2 versions to Compat update channel
    将 1.14.4、1.15.2 和 1.16.4 - 1.18.2 版本移至 Compat 更新通道

Contributors 贡献者

  • @Xujiayao
  • @Lesekater

Detailed Information 详细信息


2.2.3 - 2023/10/28

MC-Discord-Chat 2.2.3 for Minecraft 1.14+ - 2023/10/28

New Features 新特性

  • Chinese Traditional (Taiwan) translation (#191 and #196)

  • Send error messages in case of incorrect channel IDs or insufficient permissions (#192)
    在频道 ID 不正确或权限不足时发送错误消息

Changes 更改

  • Correct Chinese language files

  • Fix advancement message spamming (#193)

Removed 移除


Contributors 贡献者

  • @Xujiayao
  • @jimchen5209
  • @notlin4

Detailed Information 详细信息


2.2.2 - 2023/9/24

MC-Discord-Chat 2.2.2 for Minecraft 1.14+ - 2023/9/24

MCDC now accurately pushes MCDC version updates by checking the compatibility of the server's Minecraft version.

This new feature ensures no more situations where an old MCDC with an old Minecraft version pushes a new MCDC version that doesn't support that particular Minecraft version.

MCDC 现在通过检查服务器 Minecraft 版本的兼容性来准确推送 MCDC 版本更新。

此新功能可确保不再出现旧 Minecraft 版本中安装的旧 MCDC 推送不支持该特定 Minecraft 版本的新 MCDC 版本的情况。

New Features 新特性

  • Compatible with version 1.20.2 (#189)
    兼容 1.20.2 版本

  • Push MCDC version updates accurately by checking server Minecraft version compatibility
    通过检查服务器 Minecraft 版本兼容性来准确推送 MCDC 版本更新

Changes 更改

  • Fix channel topic monitor not using the correct level name for getting stats information (#139)

  • Optimize JAR file size
    优化 JAR 文件大小

  • Force not to use cache to obtain player profile

Removed 移除

  • No longer compatible with version 1.19.3
    不再兼容 1.19.3 版本

Contributors 贡献者

  • @Xujiayao

Detailed Information 详细信息


2.2.1 - 2023/9/14

MC-Discord-Chat 2.2.1 for Minecraft 1.14+ - 2023/9/14

MCDiscordChat has been renamed to MC-Discord-Chat.

The comprehensive list of supported Minecraft versions for each MCDC version is now available on Modrinth, CurseForge, and the MCDC Docs.

MCDiscordChat 已更名为 MC-Discord-Chat。

从现在开始,你可以在 Modrinth、CurseForge 和 MCDC 文档中找到每个 MCDC 版本所支持的 Minecraft 版本的全面列表。

New Features 新特性

  • Customizable messages when Webhook is disabled (#163)
    可自定义禁用 Webhook 时发送的消息

  • Dynamically generate MCDC help messages (#167)
    动态生成 MCDC 帮助消息

  • Adjustable permissions for the MCDC /whitelist command (#167)
    可调整 MCDC /whitelist 命令的使用权限

Changes 更改

  • Fix Quilt compatibility issue (#164)
    修复 Quilt 兼容性问题

  • Fix exception when players register before the server is fully started (#168)

  • Fix chat messages not being sent when using multi-server mode

  • Send MSPT warnings to main channel when console log channel is enabled (#171)
    启用控制台日志频道时将 MSPT 警告发送到主频道

  • Fix console log messages may be too long (#174)

Removed 移除


Contributors 贡献者

  • @Xujiayao
  • @aria1th

Detailed Information 详细信息


2.2.0 - 2023/7/4

MCDiscordChat 2.2.0 for Minecraft 1.14+ - 2023/7/4

This version requires additional permission from the Discord bot, "Manage Webhooks", compared to the previous versions. Please replace the APP_ID of the second link below with your Application ID (get it by accessing the first link), and access it to authorize the new permission. If you do not trust the link below, you may create one by referring to the MCDC docs.

Regarding changes in the config file, this version dynamically creates MCDC Webhook and no longer requires manual creation when configuring MCDC, simplifying the steps of configuring MCDC and changing channels. Users not using Webhook may turn it off by setting the useWebhook option in the config file to false.

In addition, users may customize the range of allowed in-game mentions. Clearing the allowed_mentions list disallows all in-game mentions.



与旧版本相比,此版本需要 Discord 机器人「管理 Webhooks」的额外权限。请将下面第二个链接中的 APP_ID 替换为你的应用 ID(可通过访问第一个链接获取),并访问该链接以授权新权限。如果你不信任下面的链接,你也可以参考 MCDC 文档自行创建。

关于配置文件的变化,此版本动态创建 MCDC Webhook,配置 MCDC 时不再需要手动创建,简化了配置 MCDC 和更改频道的步骤。不使用 Webhook 的用户可将配置文件中的 useWebhook 选项设为 false 以禁用 Webhook。

此外,用户可以自定义允许游戏内提及的范围。清空 allowed_mentions 列表即为禁止所有游戏内提及。

New Features 新特性

  • Customizable scope of allowed mentions in-game (#131)

  • Add %nextUpdateTime% placeholder for channel topics (#134)
    为频道主题添加 %nextUpdateTime% 占位符

  • Multilingual support for task/challenge/goal messages (#133)
    进度 / 挑战 / 目标消息提供多语言支持

  • Support displaying descriptions for task/challenge/goal messages (#133)
    支持显示进度 / 挑战 / 目标的描述

  • Support adding players to the server whitelist in Discord (#130)
    支持在 Discord 将玩家添加至服务器白名单

  • Dynamic-created MCDC Webhook (#152)
    动态创建 MCDC Webhook

  • Polish translation (#154)

  • Compatible with the new Discord username system (#158)
    兼容新的 Discord 用户名系统

  • Cantonese translation (#159)

  • Norwegian Bokmål translation (#161)

Changes 更改

  • Improve console log formatting (#140)

  • Fix exception when Discord user nickname contains double quotes (#145)
    修复 Discord 用户昵称包含双引号时报错

  • MSPT monitoring delays msptCheckInterval milliseconds start (#134)
    MSPT 监测延迟 msptCheckInterval 毫秒启动

  • Fix exception caused by console log message being too long (#149)

  • Fix incorrect text colour when customizing in-game messages (#156)

  • Newlines in Discord messages appear as new messages in-game (#155)
    Discord 消息中的新行在游戏内显示为新消息

  • Optimize the effect of the discordNewlineLimit option
    优化 discordNewlineLimit 选项的效果

Removed 移除


Contributors 贡献者

  • @Xujiayao
  • @BlissfulAlloy79
  • @Bocz3k
  • @Kire2oo2
  • @LofiTurtle

Detailed Information 详细信息


1.20-2.1.4 - 2023/6/8

MCDiscordChat 1.20-2.1.4 for Minecraft 1.20.x - 2023/6/8

Please use this release if you are using Minecraft 1.20.x.

Otherwise, use the general 2.1.4 release for older Minecraft versions, including 1.19.2 and 1.19.3.

如果您使用的是 Minecraft 1.20.x,请使用此版本。

否则,请使用适用于旧版 Minecraft 的通用 2.1.4 版本,包括 1.19.2 和 1.19.3。

New Features 新特性

  • Compatible with version 1.20.x
    兼容 1.20.x 版本

Changes 更改


Removed 移除

  • No longer compatible with versions 1.19.2 and 1.19.3
    不再兼容 1.19.2 和 1.19.3 版本

Contributors 贡献者

  • @Xujiayao

Detailed Information 详细信息


2.1.4 - 2023/5/30

MCDiscordChat 2.1.4 for Minecraft 1.14+ - 2023/5/30

This version still supports versions 1.19.2 and 1.19.3, which have been integrated into the same file.

此版本仍然支持 1.19.2 和 1.19.3 版本,已集成到同一个文件中。

New Features 新特性

  • Send chat messages sent by /say command to Discord (#125)
    发送 /say 指令所发送的聊天消息至 Discord

  • Announce high MSPT at the console log channel when the console log feature is enabled (#125)
    启用控制台日志功能时将 MSPT 警告发送到控制台日志频道

  • Add an option to flexibly choose whether to wait for the rate limit to reset (#129)

  • Korean translation (#136)

  • French translation (#137)

Changes 更改

  • Fix chat message validation failure when using excluded commands (#127)

  • Optimize the logic of handling rate limit when stopping the server (#129)

  • Fix description of /log command out of date (#137)
    修复 /log 命令的描述过时

  • Fix exception when a Discord user who does not have any role executes a command (#137)
    修复没有任何用户组的 Discord 用户在执行命令时报错

Removed 移除


Contributors 贡献者

  • @Xujiayao
  • @Clem-Fern
  • @MeowOnLong
  • @Vocatis

Detailed Information 详细信息


2.1.3 - 2023/3/16

MCDiscordChat 2.1.3 for Minecraft 1.14+ - 2023/3/16

This version still supports versions 1.19.2 and 1.19.3, which have been integrated into the same file.

此版本仍然支持 1.19.2 和 1.19.3 版本,已集成到同一个文件中。

New Features 新特性

  • Support using %playerName% placeholder for custom death messages (#115)
    自定义死亡消息支持 %playerName% 占位符

  • Compatible with version 1.19.4
    兼容 1.19.4 版本

Changes 更改

  • Fix ru_ru lang causing player disconnections on death (#111)
    修复 ru_ru 语言导致玩家死亡时报错

  • Fix modded death source causing player disconnections on death (#114)

  • Fix exception when Discord message contains quotation marks (#119)
    修复 Discord 消息包含引号时报错

Removed 移除


Contributors 贡献者

  • @Xujiayao

Detailed Information 详细信息


2.1.2 - 2023/1/7

MCDiscordChat 2.1.2 for Minecraft 1.14+ - 2023/1/7

The 'chat message validation failure' issue in 1.19.3 has been fixed in this new version.
You may remove the 'no-chat-reports' mod and set formatChatMessages back to true in MCDC config now.

1.19.3 中的 "聊天消息验证失败" 问题已在此新版本中修复。
你现在可以删除 "no-chat-reports" 模组并在 MCDC 配置中将 formatChatMessages 改回 true

New Features 新特性

  • Re-add support for version 1.19.2 (#101)
    重新添加对 1.19.2 版本的支持

  • Add option to disable Discord and in-game chat broadcasts (#103)
    添加禁用 Discord 和游戏内聊天广播的选项

Changes 更改

  • Fix chat message validation failure (#100)

  • Fix in-game highlighted mentions not being escaped (#104)

Removed 移除


Contributors 贡献者

  • @Xujiayao

Detailed Information 详细信息


2.1.1 - 2022/12/10

MCDiscordChat 2.1.1 for Minecraft 1.14+ - 2022/12/10

New Features 新特性

  • Compatible with version 1.19.3
    兼容 1.19.3 版本

Changes 更改

  • Fix crash on start due to MixinLanguage class injection failure (#96)
    修复由于 MixinLanguage 类注入失败导致的启动崩溃

Removed 移除

  • No longer compatible with versions 1.19.1 and 1.19.2
    不再兼容 1.19.1 和 1.19.2 版本

Contributors 贡献者

  • @Xujiayao

Detailed Information 详细信息


2.1.0 - 2022/11/7

MCDiscordChat 2.1.0 for Minecraft 1.14+ - 2022/11/7

New Features 新特性

  • Russian translation (#94)

  • Bot activity status supports displaying server player count (#90)

  • Minecraft command auto-completion for Discord /console command (#25)
    Discord /console 命令实现 Minecraft 命令自动补全

Changes 更改

  • Fix GSON Invalid escape sequence exception when escaping Markdown (#92)
    修复转义 Markdown 时 GSON 解析报错

Removed 移除


Contributors 贡献者

  • @Xujiayao
  • @ZetThunder

Detailed Information 详细信息


2.0.0 - 2022/10/8

MCDiscordChat 2.0.0 for Minecraft 1.14+ - 2022/10/8

This is the first stable release of MCDC v2.

You are strongly recommended to update to this version if you are using any of the alpha or release candidate versions.

New Features 新特性

  • Add role support for admin checks (#88)

  • Add option to disable slash command broadcast (#89)

  • Check for updates can be disabled

Changes 更改


Removed 移除


Contributors 贡献者

  • @Xujiayao

Detailed Information 详细信息


2.0.0-rc.1 - 2022/9/28

MCDiscordChat 2.0.0-rc.1 for Minecraft 1.14+ - 2022/9/28

New Features 新特性

  • Add newline limit for Discord messages (#86)
    为 Discord 消息添加换行次数限制

Changes 更改

  • Completely rewrite the parsing of mentions (@) (#87)
    完全重写提及 (@) 的解析

  • Add appropriate spaces to Chinese death messages

Removed 移除


Contributors 贡献者

  • @Xujiayao

Detailed Information 详细信息


2.0.0-alpha.10 - 2022/9/4

MCDiscordChat 2.0.0-alpha.10 for Minecraft 1.14+ - 2022/9/4

Important notice:

This update adds full multi-language support and therefore simplifies the config file.

You should back up your config file before updating to this version!

Use option language to set the language, and class CustomMessage to customize the messages.

Leave the options in class CustomMessage blank to use the default values, and fill in any of them to use the custom values.

At the time of releasing this update, only two languages are available:

  1. en_us - English (United States)
  2. zh_cn - Chinese (Simplified)

You are welcome to contribute translations!

Contributing: https://github.com/Xujiayao/MCDiscordChat#Contributing




使用 language 选项设置语言,使用 CustomMessage 类自定义消息。

CustomMessage 类中的选项留空以使用默认值,填写其中任何一个以使用自定义值。


  1. en_us - 英语(美国)
  2. zh_cn - 中文(简体)



New Features 新特性

  • Full multi-language support (#83)

  • Multi-language support for player death messages

Changes 更改

  • Disable cache when checking for updates

Removed 移除


Contributors 贡献者

  • @Xujiayao

Detailed Information 详细信息


2.0.0-alpha.9 - 2022/8/10

MCDiscordChat 2.0.0-alpha.9 for Minecraft 1.14+ - 2022/8/10

Important notice:

This update brings support for executing MCDC commands in-game and fixes update notifications not showing changelog when using the English language.

This version is released first because the next version will bring breaking changes. Users who do not update in time may not see the changelog and important notices, resulting in data loss.


此更新带来了在游戏中执行 MCDC 命令的支持,并修复了使用英文时更新通知不显示更新日志的问题。

这个版本首先发布是因为下一个版本会带来破坏性改动 (breaking changes)。没有及时更新的用户可能会因看不到更新日志和重要通知而导致数据丢失。

New Features 新特性

  • Execute MCDC commands in-game (#80)
    在游戏中执行 MCDC 命令

Changes 更改

  • Format MSPT value with 2 decimal places (#79)
    MSPT 值取两位小数

  • Fix update notifications not showing changelog when using the English language

Removed 移除


Contributors 贡献者

  • @Xujiayao

Detailed Information 详细信息


2.0.0-alpha.8 - 2022/8/6

MCDiscordChat 2.0.0-alpha.8 for Minecraft 1.14+ - 2022/8/6

Important notice:

This update brings support for versions 1.19.1 and 1.19.2. However, due to Mojang's breaking changes to ServerPlayNetworkHandler and version 1.19.0 being out of date, version 1.19.0 is no longer supported in this update.

Therefore, if you are using 1.19.0, please update to 1.19.2 as soon as possible. If you have some mods that do not support 1.19.2 yet, please temporarily update to 1.19.1 first, and update to 1.19.2 after they support 1.19.2.


此更新带来了对 1.19.1 和 1.19.2 版本的支持。但由于 Mojang 对 ServerPlayNetworkHandler 的破坏性改动 (breaking changes) 再加上 1.19.0 已过时,本次更新不再支持 1.19.0 版本。

因此,如果你使用的是 1.19.0,请尽快更新到 1.19.2。如果你有一些模组尚未支持 1.19.2,请先暂时更新到 1.19.1,等支持 1.19.2 后再更新到 1.19.2。

New Features 新特性

  • Compatible with versions 1.19.1 and 1.19.2
    兼容 1.19.1 和 1.19.2 版本

Changes 更改

  • Fix incomplete logic of check for updates function

Removed 移除

  • No longer compatible with version 1.19
    不再兼容 1.19 版本

Contributors 贡献者

  • @Xujiayao

Detailed Information 详细信息


2.0.0-alpha.7 - 2022/7/26

MCDiscordChat 2.0.0-alpha.7 for Minecraft 1.14+ - 2022/7/26

New Features 新特性

  • Customizable update notification channel (#66)

  • Add practical logs for multi-server feature

  • Sending specific server messages to Discord can be disabled (#70)
    可禁用向 Discord 频道发送特定服务器消息

  • Send all console log messages to Discord console log channel (#72)
    将所有控制台日志消息发送到 Discord 控制台日志频道

  • Add the ability for /log command to specify the log file to send
    添加 /log 命令指定要发送的日志文件的功能

Changes 更改

  • Fix exclude option for broadcast command execution does not work (#64)

  • Fix NPE when someone sends a message before server fully starts (#68)

Removed 移除


Contributors 贡献者

  • @Xujiayao
  • @LofiTurtle

Detailed Information 详细信息


2.0.0-alpha.6 - 2022/7/9

MCDiscordChat 2.0.0-alpha.6 for Minecraft 1.14+ - 2022/7/9

New Features 新特性

  • Compatible with Quilt Mod Loader (#62)
    兼容 Quilt 模组加载器

  • Integrate all versions (Minecraft 1.14-1.19+) into a single JAR file (#58)
    将所有版本 (Minecraft 1.14-1.19+) 集成到一个 JAR 文件中

  • Notify in-game players when someone executes an MCDC command (#48)
    当有人执行 MCDC 命令时通知游戏内玩家

Changes 更改

  • Fix SLF4J exception when running lower Minecraft versions
    修复运行低 Minecraft 版本时的 SLF4J 异常

  • Optimize the way to implement custom advancement translation

Removed 移除


Contributors 贡献者

  • @Xujiayao

Detailed Information 详细信息


2.0.0-alpha.5 - 2022/7/1

MCDiscordChat 2.0.0-alpha.5 for Minecraft 1.14+ - 2022/7/1

New Features 新特性

  • All parsing can be disabled (#51)

Changes 更改

  • Fix Okio compatibility issue (#55)
    修复 Okio 兼容性问题

  • Change the logic of check for updates function (#52)

Removed 移除


Contributors 贡献者

  • @Xujiayao

Detailed Information 详细信息


2.0.0-alpha.4 - 2022/6/30

MCDiscordChat 2.0.0-alpha.4 for Minecraft 1.14+ - 2022/6/30

New Features 新特性

  • Support all Fabric Minecraft versions (Minecraft 1.14+) (#39)
    支持所有 Fabric 版本(Minecraft 1.14+)

  • Use Discord to manage channels that can execute MCDC commands (#44)
    使用 Discord 管理可执行 MCDC 命令的频道

  • Add support for Stickers and GIFs (#49)
    添加对贴纸和 GIF 的支持

  • Messages from bots or users can be excluded without enabling multi-server mode

  • Unicode emoji parsing can be disabled (#50)
    可以禁用 Unicode 表情符号解析

Changes 更改

  • Fix process not terminating when updateChannelTopic is enabled

  • Fix custom advancements not translated (#35)

  • Fix in-game hyperlink parsing error when sending URLs

Removed 移除


Contributors 贡献者

  • @Xujiayao
  • @svr333

Detailed Information 详细信息


2.0.0-alpha.3 - 2022/6/10

MCDiscordChat 2.0.0-alpha.3 for Minecraft 1.17.x/1.18.x/1.19.x - 2022/6/10

New Features 新特性

  • Version 1.19.x supported
    支持 1.19.x 版本

  • Players who execute commands can also see the commands themselves

  • Use the bot itself to send chat messages when Webhook URL is not filled (#36)
    未填写 Webhook URL 时使用机器人自身发送聊天消息

Changes 更改


Removed 移除

  • Version 1.16.x is no longer supported
    不再支持 1.16.x 版本

  • Check for updates is no longer compatible with MCDC v1 versions
    检查更新不再兼容 MCDC v1 版本

Contributors 贡献者

  • @Xujiayao

Detailed Information 详细信息


2.0.0-alpha.2 - 2022/5/14

MCDiscordChat 2.0.0-alpha.2 for Minecraft 1.16.x/1.17.x/1.18.x - 2022/5/14

⚠ Reminder 提醒

This version has a significant change compared with previous versions. Please make sure to repeat the steps in the MCDiscordChat Docs and do not copy and paste anything directly from the old config file, as this may cause errors!

此版本与之前的版本相比有重大变化。请务必重复 MCDiscordChat 文档 中的步骤,并且不要直接从旧配置文件中复制和粘贴任何内容,因为这可能会导致错误!

New Features 新特性

  • Add switch to send notification of new updates to all admins (#22)

  • Add display of max player count to /info command message
    在 /info 命令消息中添加玩家人数上限的显示

  • Add switch to modify in-game chat messages (#24)

  • Add switch to display Discord server nickname in game
    添加游戏内显示 Discord 服务器昵称的开关

  • Add the ability to display response messages in game

  • Add the ability to fully customize all in-game messages (#28)

  • Add the ability to update Discord channel topic (#19)
    添加使用 Discord 频道主题功能显示服务器状态的功能

  • Add the ability to customize the interval of timers

  • Add switch to disable @ mentions in game (#31)
    添加游戏内禁用 @ 提及的开关

  • Add the ability to mention roles in game

  • Add the ability to highlight and open hyperlinks in game

  • Backup every time when loading the config file

  • Automatically check for updates every 6 hours
    每 6 小时自动检查更新

Changes 更改

  • Modify GitHub issue templates
    修改 GitHub 议题模板

  • Fix /info message missing line breaks when at least two players are online (#26)
    修复在多人在线时 /info 命令信息缺少换行的问题

  • Rename some variables in the config file

  • Fix advancements does not send correctly (#30)

  • Allow processing of messages sent by bots (except webhooks) (#32)
    允许处理机器人发送的消息(Webhook 除外)

Removed 移除

  • Disable submission of blank GitHub issues
    禁止提交空白 GitHub 议题

  • Disable HTML escaping of the config file
    禁用配置文件的 HTML 转义

Contributors 贡献者

  • @Xujiayao

Detailed Information 详细信息


2.0.0-alpha.1 - 2022/3/31

🥳 Welcome to MCDC v2!

MCDiscordChat 2.0.0-alpha.1 for Minecraft 1.16.x/1.17.x/1.18.x - 2022/3/31

I highly recommend you update MCDC and take advantage of the new features! Bug reports or other suggestions are welcome!

MCDC is completely rewritten, so there may be some bugs. Please state the exact version you are using when reporting an issue.

我强烈推荐你更新 MCDC 并使用新功能!欢迎提交错误报告或其他建议!

MCDC 已完全重写,因此可能存在一些错误。请在报告问题时说明你使用的确切版本。

⚠ Reminder 提醒

This version has a significant change compared with previous versions. Please make sure to backup your old MCDC config file (mcdiscordchat.json), repeat the steps in the MCDiscordChat Docs and do not copy and paste anything directly from the old config file, as this may cause errors!

此版本与之前的版本相比有重大变化,请务必备份你的旧 MCDC 配置文件 (mcdiscordchat.json),重复 MCDiscordChat 文档 中的步骤,并且不要直接从旧配置文件中复制和粘贴任何内容,因为这可能会导致错误!

New Features 新特性

  • Print the MCDC introduction when starting the server
    启动服务器时打印 MCDC 介绍

  • Show changelog when a new version is available

  • Add GitHub issue templates
    添加 GitHub 议题模板

  • Unicode emoji (non-server custom emoji) can also be highlighted in-game
    Unicode 表情符号(非服务器自定义表情符号)也可以在游戏中高亮显示

  • Bot activity status can be switched between 'playing' and 'listening'

  • Server console and Discord console log channel can print chat messages from Discord
    服务器控制台和 Discord 控制台日志频道可打印来自 Discord 的聊天消息

  • Use Discord Application (Slash) Command
    使用 Discord 应用(斜杠)命令

  • Add /log command to allow admins to get the latest server logs directly from Discord
    添加 /log 命令使管理员可直接从 Discord 获取最新的服务器日志

Changes 更改

  • Rewrite all files and optimize code and logic

  • Modify the project description

  • Change the implementation method of message cooldown

  • Change the default format of Discord console log messages
    更改 Discord 控制台日志消息的默认格式

  • Check for updates using temporary files for v1 compatibility
    使用临时文件检查更新以兼容 v1 版本

  • Use JDA.shutdownNow() to resolve process hangs when stopping the server
    使用 JDA.shutdownNow() 解决停止服务器时的进程挂起问题

  • Fix backslashes still exist when ignoring (escaping) Markdown formatting
    修复忽略(转义)Markdown 格式时反斜杠仍然存在的问题

  • Modify the format of the MCDC help menu
    修改 MCDC 帮助菜单的格式

  • Change the implementation method of multi-server

Removed 移除

  • Exception stack traces are no longer sent to the Discord channel
    不再向 Discord 频道发送异常堆栈跟踪

  • Remove the function of modifying the admin list in Discord
    移除在 Discord 修改管理员列表的功能

  • Remove the super admin list

Detailed Information 详细信息


1.12.1 - 2022/3/5

MCDiscordChat 1.12.1 for Minecraft 1.17.x/1.18.x - 2022/3/5

新特性 New Features


更改 Changes

  • 修复使用 1.18.2 时 Mixin 注入失败的问题
    Fix Mixin injection failure when using 1.18.2
    @Xujiayao (#16)

移除 Removed


详细信息 Detailed Information


1.12.0 - 2022/3/3

MCDiscordChat 1.12.0 for Minecraft 1.17.x/1.18.x - 2022/3/3

Changelog will be redesigned and written in both Chinese and English starting from this version.

新特性 New Features

  • 可自定义 Discord 机器人命令前缀
    Customizable Discord bot command prefix
    @Xujiayao (#13)

  • 可广播服务器控制台日志
    Broadcast server console log
    @Xujiayao (#15)

  • 使用 GitHub Actions
    Use GitHub Actions

更改 Changes

  • 使用 OkHttp
    Use OkHttp

移除 Removed


详细信息 Detailed Information


1.11.4 - 2022/1/13

MCDiscordChat 1.11.4 for Minecraft 1.17.x/1.18.x - 2022/1/13


  1. 可自定义Webhook头像API
  2. 添加不处理指定指令的功能
  3. 优化Config顺序

1.11.3 - 2021/12/28

MCDiscordChat 1.11.3 for Minecraft 1.17.x/1.18.x - 2021/12/28


  1. 删除/shrug指令
  2. 添加MSPT监测功能

1.11.2 - 2021/12/13

MCDiscordChat 1.11.2 for Minecraft 1.17.x/1.18.x - 2021/12/13


  1. 增加玩家指令执行广播开关
  2. 指令执行广播添加时间间隔限制
  3. 优化Config顺序

1.11.1 - 2021/12/10

MCDiscordChat 1.11.1 for Minecraft 1.17.x/1.18.x - 2021/12/10


  1. 添加停止服务器功能
  2. 修复 !reload 没有修改机器人动态的问题
  3. 设置英文为默认语言

1.11.0 - 2021/12/2

MCDiscordChat 1.11.0 for Minecraft 1.16.x/1.17.x/1.18.x - 2021/12/2


  1. 更新到1.18
  2. 修改检查更新的判断逻辑
  3. 修复 !scoreboard 功能找不到玩家统计信息所在目录的问题

1.10.10 - 2021/11/27

MCDiscordChat 1.10.10 for Minecraft 1.17.x - 2021/11/27


  1. 解决mixins在检测到JAVA_17版本不兼容后闪退的问题

1.10.9 - 2021/11/26

MCDiscordChat 1.10.9 for Minecraft 1.17.x - 2021/11/26


  1. 支持在游戏内显示其他玩家执行的指令
  2. 修改更新提示中的下载链接

1.10.8 - 2021/11/20

MCDiscordChat 1.10.8 for Minecraft 1.17.x - 2021/11/20


  1. 支持在Discord显示玩家执行的指令

1.10.7 - 2021/11/18

MCDiscordChat 1.10.7 for Minecraft 1.17.x - 2021/11/18


  1. Discord消息的用户名称显示其身份组的颜色

1.10.6 - 2021/11/5

MCDiscordChat 1.10.6 for Minecraft 1.17.x - 2021/11/5


  1. 添加手动检查更新功能
  2. 对消息中的附件进行分类显示

1.10.5 - 2021/10/29

MCDiscordChat 1.10.5 for Minecraft 1.17.x - 2021/10/29


  1. 支持在游戏内使用服务器表情符号

1.10.4 - 2021/10/24

MCDiscordChat 1.10.4 for Minecraft 1.17.x - 2021/10/24


  1. 修复无法正确显示默认Emoji的问题

1.10.3 - 2021/9/26

MCDiscordChat 1.10.3 for Minecraft 1.17.x - 2021/9/26


  1. 添加检查更新功能
  2. 异常堆栈发送至Discord

1.10.2 - 2021/9/26

MCDiscordChat 1.10.2 for Minecraft 1.17.x - 2021/9/26


  1. 添加玩家ping显示

1.10.1 - 2021/9/25

MCDiscordChat 1.10.1 for Minecraft 1.17.x - 2021/9/25

  1. 使用多服务器模式时处理其它MCDC Bot发送的广播消息

1.10.0 - 2021/9/25

MCDiscordChat 1.10.0 for Minecraft 1.17.x - 2021/9/25

  1. 实现MCDC同Discord频道多服务器运行

1.9.3 - 2021/9/16

MCDiscordChat 1.9.3 for Minecraft 1.17.x - 2021/9/16

  1. 统一使用 MCDC Bot

1.9.2 - 2021/9/9

MCDiscordChat 1.9.2 for Minecraft 1.17.x - 2021/9/9

  1. 修复中英文标点符号错误的问题

1.9.1 - 2021/9/1

MCDiscordChat 1.9.1 for Minecraft 1.17.x - 2021/9/1

  1. 修复语言反转的问题

1.9.0 - 2021/9/1

MCDiscordChat 1.9.0 for Minecraft 1.17.x - 2021/9/1

  1. 添加英文翻译,支持多语言

1.8.0 - 2021/8/28

MCDiscordChat 1.8.0 for Minecraft 1.17.x - 2021/8/28

  1. 优化代码
  2. 添加普通管理员名单管理命令
  3. 将管理员分成超级管理员和普通管理员两种角色

1.7.0 - 2021/8/28

MCDiscordChat 1.7.0 for Minecraft 1.17.x - 2021/8/28

  1. 优化代码
  2. 添加Config热重载命令
  3. 加载Config后会用已读取数据覆写配置文件,保证配置文件为最新格式

1.6.0 - 2021/6/30

MCDiscordChat 1.6.0 for Minecraft 1.17.x - 2021/6/30

  1. 更新到 1.17

1.5.3 - 2021/6/13

MCDiscordChat 1.5.3 for Minecraft 1.16.x - 2021/6/13(首个公开发布的版本)
